Tuesday, September 6, 2011

I'm a Failure

Gah. I was doing so well, and yet, here it is, almost a week since my last post. In my defense, I've been working overtime the last 2 weeks... so I have a huge paycheck coming my way. That, and I haven't really found something relevant to review. So, I'm hoping you guys can help me. Tell me what you want to see reviews of (within reason - I don't think I can go buy a $75 something for review purposes). Or, maybe you would like to see stash pics? Although, that'd take me an age to take pictures of...

Anyway, I'm sorry. I really am. So, to make up for it... a haul post! Woo!

Brazen Cosmetics was featured on Heartsy, and I had to jump on that deal! For $12.72, here's what I got:

  • Defiant coffee brown with gold sparkles and green shift
  • Mystery Grab Bag Give yourself a treat! Best Deal in the Shop!
  • Tree Huger Trio soft gold-based neutrals for any Nature Girl!

Defiant is in the upper left corner, towards the right is the trio, and the 4 jars are in the lower left make up the mystery set. I've purchased 3 of Sandi's grab bags, and they're probably my favorite thing ever! This time it included a sold perfume in La La Lychee (lower left), Glitterati Glitter Gloss in Decoy (okay, I have no idea what to do with this! but it's eyesafe... but I don't wear glitter... maybe it'll be a nice little prize for someone...upper left), Prowl eyeshadow (very pretty soft orange/yellow, upper right), and Passion Pot lip gloss in Pixie (lower right, also giveaway fodder - I have way too many glosses!).

I'll do better this week I promise. I have two new reviews ready to be written, and then posted (in that order, too!).

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